3 Powerful Prayer Foundations

Simply put, intercession is taking hold of God's will and refusing to let go until His will comes to pass. As intercessors, we need this spiritual grit factor—tenaciously holding on to the promises of God in prayer until we see His will accomplished. To this end, we need to be reminded of three important foundations of prayer. These will prepare us for the deeper places God wants to take us in intercession.

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margie fleurant
Intimacy with God Through Prayer

Intimacy with Jesus was the one thing Paul lived for. It was the great pulse of his life, keeping him alive and giving his life meaning. Paul was called by God to do many important things. Yet at his core, Paul’s central purpose, around which all those other callings revolved, was an intimate relationship with Jesus. As Paul travelled, evangelized, preached, planted churches, discipled leaders, and wrote letters, he knew none of those good works could give his life meaning apart from Christ. What mattered most was simply love—knowing God’s love and loving Him back.

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margie fleurant
Responding to Prayer Burdens

As intercessors, an important part of our role is knowing how to recognize and respond to prayer burdens for our children. If we are paying attention, it is often easy to discern when our children are struggling. These struggles become a target of our prayers. However, at times the struggle will be hidden beneath the surface. Or, the prayer need will relate to an attack against our children that we cannot yet see in the natural. At these times, the Holy Spirit wants to alert us of the need so that we can intercede before we see the need for it in the natural. I call this sort of alert a prayer burden. Many times, we do not know why the burden has come, but the Spirit knows, and we can trust Him to guide us in our prayers so that we can release protection over our children in the spirit. Jesus promised that “the Spirit of truth” would “guide you into all the truth” and “tell you what is yet to come” (John 16:13). God wants to give us the inside scoop on what’s happening with our kids so that we can pray on their behalf.

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margie fleurant
Overcoming Distractions

The enemy uses many tools against us to try to distract us from God’s vision for our lives.  Many of us, without realizing it, have at various times been disillusioned by these lies from our enemy. We’ve given in to offense, people‐pleasing, self‐absorption, focus on the past, the easy road, the noise of the enemy, discouragement, the treasures of the world, reliance on our own works, or weariness.

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margie fleurant